Playgroup Policies
Menheniot Playgroup has a comprehensive set of policies and procedures covering a wide range of topics. Below we have given the highlights of a few we are frequently asked about. If you would like to look over any other policies please speak to the Playgroup leader.
If a child is absent due to sickness or other reasons, fees will still be charged as we will have kept their place open and still have to employ and pay staff. For the same reason, if a child has a holiday that falls during term time, fees are still payable in their absence. We are closed on all Bank Holidays and Menheniot Primary School inset days, therefore we will not charge fees for these days.
Sun cream
If the weather is favourable and children will be outside then sun cream is applied in the morning as children come in regardless of having already been applied by parents. Then reapplied after lunch. Our sun cream is a once a day application factor 50. If you prefer for your child to use a different sun cream please keep it labelled in their bag and make a member of staff aware. Children are also encouraged to wear hats and sunglasses.
A few times a year we like to try and arrange trips with the children. In recent years children have enjoyed a trip to Pennywell Farm at Christmas to meet Santa and watch a performance of the nativity featuring live animals. They've also enjoyed a trip on the train to Looe to a trip to a local farm.
In order for these trips to happen we do need help from parents. We will have members of staff on every trip who can take a small number of unaccompanied children. This means all other children need to be accompanied, normally by a parent or grand parent. Although we are happy if parents make arrangements between themselves to supervise each others children. The spaces with the staff are prioritized for children who are due in on that session.
If a child needs a lift with a member of staff or another parent then consent forms will need to be completed and you will be shown the relevant documents. We do require parents to fit their child's car seats into another car.
Details of any trips will come out in the newsletter and on the parents Facebook page and we would encourage parents and families to get involved so no children are left out.
Infection spreads very quickly in a playgroup. To minimise the risk of spreading infection, certain guidelines should be followed:
Children must not return to playgroup within 48 hours of sickness or diarrhoea and parents should notify playgroup of any cases immediately.
Children who are unwell with an infection, including coughs or colds, should not attend pre-school.
Parents should inform the playgroup of any infection that their child is suffering from as soon as possible.
Menheniot playgroup has to report any notifiable disease, such as e-coli, meningitis etc, to the Health Visitor, Communicable Disease Control and Ofsted.
Please either call or message the playgroup mobile to inform of illness, facebook direct messenger can also be used.
First Aid
All playgroup staff are up to date with first aid training and there will always be at least one first aid trained staff member with the children. We have first aid boxes both inside and outside when the children are in the garden. Should your child have an accident at playgroup this will be detailed in the accident book for you to look at upon pick up.
All playgroup staff and volunteers are aware we are a non smoking environment including e cigarettes. We ask all parents and a carers to respect this and not to smoke within or close to playgroup.
Complaints Procedure
Please see our complaints procedure below.