Brrrrrr! It's been a chilly month for sure! We've been out and about exploring the crunchy crisp frost and the slippery ice.
We experimented with ice in many ways. We painted on it and we even tried painting using frozen paints. We froze dinosaurs and leaves in ice cubes.
We sprinkled chalk dust on the ice and mixed it with flour to make a polar scene for our arctic animals to play in.
We had an ice melting challenge to see who could melt an ice cube the quickest. One was chewed, one was on the heater, one was in the toy oven, one was looked after by the guinea pig and some were left outside in various places in the sun.
We ran around outside in just our t-shirts! We got cold and learnt that hats, scarves and coats can keep you warm.
We love walking out to the park and to watch the trains - one day we saw 3!
We talked about how important it is to look after the birds when it's cold; so we walked up to the Memorial garden and sprinkled some bird seed out for them. We also made some seedy fat balls to hang up in the trees.
We have been exploring different ways to get around the village and finding ways to get to our homes and our grandparents' homes.
We have welcomed some new friends: Ruby, Bethany, Opie, Sophie, Beatrice and Amber. We look forward to sharing adventures with you all! We have also wished happy birthday to Hattie, Matthew, Edward, Ryan, Beatrice and Penny.
Our Little Owls Baby and Toddler Group is very popular at the moment and we always have a warm welcome for anyone who would like to join us. It takes place every Tuesday during term time from 1:30-3pm in the Old School and costs £2 per family which includes a snack for the children, craft activities and a hot drink for the grownups.
Thank you to all who took part in our Christmas Lights Up competition and to all the local businesses who generously supported us. We loved looking at all the pretty lights and decorations over the festive season. Well done to the winners!
