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Writer's pictureMenheniot Playgroup

If you go down to the woods today... may find several little people from Menheniot Playgroup! Yes, this term we have been busy getting stuck into our Forest School adventures and we thought we'd take this opportunity to tell you all about it.

If there's one thing we (and almost all little people) love - it's sticks. So last time we went down to the woods we gathered up a load, along with plenty of other natural treasures, and made a nest. We were hoping to entice a magical animal to come and lay an egg, so we left the nest in peace and went for a walk.

As we walked, we looked around for edible plants and sampled a few. We found mushrooms and talked about how some things in the woods are poisonous and discussed how we shouldn’t touch certain things. We climbed some big steps and crawled under giant vines, searching for monsters and fairies. We even ventured into the swamp where we may have seen a crocodile! We found a cave and a giant nest and talked about how important it is not to touch nests and eggs.

When we got back to camp something had laid an egg in our nest! We tried to guess what kind of creature it could have been. We all agreed it must have been a rainbow bird, because of the rainbow coloured food we had left for it. We also decided that the giant nest we had found on our walk must have been the rainbow bird's home.

After all that hard work we enjoyed hot chocolate and biscuits around the unlit campfire (we were quite warm after all that excitement). We had a chat about all of the plants and animals we had seen and after our snack we found some exciting jelly with eggs in and some frog hoppers. We listened to a robin calling to us and the crows overhead. We then picked apples from the tree and ate them. Some of us even took them home and made apple crumble! Yum yum!

In other news, our very popular Halloween Disco will take place in the Old School on Friday 18th October from 6-7pm and is open to anyone aged 7 and under. Entry costs £2.50 per child and there will be Halloween crafts and activities as well as face painting and of course dancing! There will be refreshments on sale and prizes for the best fancy dress and dance moves. It's sure to be a spooktacular night of fun and all money raised will go straight back into Playgroup to pay for trips and resources for the children to enjoy.

And finally, last week our Little Owls baby and toddler group were treated to a harvest themed singing session led by the fabulous Michelle from Moo Music Cornwall. Moo Music sessions for children aged 0-5 are held in Liskeard Town Hall on a Wednesday morning. Information can be found on their website

Word has clearly got out about how fun the Little Owls group is as we have been so busy lately! The group takes place in The Old School every Tuesday during term time from 1:30 - 3pm and the cost is £2 per family. New and familiar faces are always welcome.

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